
Increase the Use of Disruptive Technologies 

Disruptive technologies are new technologies that significantly change the way an existing market or industry operates. Typically, disruptive technologies supersede older processes, products, and habits, allowing for us to continue as a technological form.

Sky Zone should put some investments into these technologies as it could really prove to be a good investment to increase business and surpass their competitors. They can begin to use VR/AR. They could run special nights where you come in and are able to wear the goggles while jumping through crazy space stations or through the jungle. It would be a differential that Sky Zone could use for their benefit.


Engage Customers as a Marketing Tool

Roxie explained how expensive marketing can be.  Although, the company has made investments in updating the main page she could still use some help in bringing that traffic to her local website in Lakewood, NJ.

Roxie should use her customers to add foot traffic to her local website. Every time a party is hosted the host or hostess should make a best practice to encourage their customers to tag Sky Zone in Lakewood to their social media post.  This will help in potentially attacking more foot traffic to the local website and possibly gaining new customers.   Roxie can also get her team motivated by offering a small prize for the person who has the most tags in a week would win a gift card, free lunch, or weekend off etc.  Engaging the customers would cost an insignificant fraction of what it would cost to pay for marketing.

Increase Use of Roller 

Sky zone recently changed their information systems from CenterEdge to Roller.  While this can be challenging going from a program you already know how to navigate and moving to something that is new and has to be learned.  We feel that this could be very beneficial to Sky Zone in being able to cater to their customer needs.

Roxie explained how Roller would make the experience more interactive with the customer as far as being able to do everything right from their phones.  This will also help in gaining valuable information as to what customers like and storing valuable information as to purchases and waivers.  Roxie explained that getting the information can at times be a problem because the company is based out of state.

We think that setting the stage from the beginning with Roller by requesting maybe a weekly or monthly report to see what customers are purchasing, how often they are visiting, and what memberships they have can give Sky Zone on what promotions to offer and what customers to contact.  Roxie can then have the team personally reach out to those customers by phone or text and invite them to take advantage of the special offers in her local area.